domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

Last activity: Fashion lesson

Considering everything learned so far, we will make a fashion show in class.

1.- First of all, choose a friend of you, because you're going to work in pairs.

2.- Now, all of you can go to the theatre room in school and try a costume.

3.- Each one will  prepare the description of his/her partner's outfit, as if it was a journalist broadcasting the fashion show. You have 10 minutes to do all of this.

NOTE: If you don't know how to say some costume accessory, look for it at the dictionary and write it down on a piece of paper.

Meantime, I (the teacher) have been separating tables and decorating the classroom, with papers simulating a gateway in the center.

By order of list, every "model" will performance the parade while its corresponding "journalist" describes his/her outfit.

The rest of the classmates will give your opinion about the descrption and the perfomance. After that, we'll join all the new words learnt in our classroom dictionary.

       I hope you'll like it!!

5 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. Hi Vanessa!

      Thank you so much for your words. Demonstrate a high and accurate comprehensive observation on the blog.

      As you said, I've directed the blog to children so that they can work alone from home, show your parents you do in class or to perform such activities as games as cool and expand knowledge.

      My internship experience has made me dedicate the blog to students in grade 4, which is the class where I'm doing the practicum, but you're absolutely right in saying that I have not commented it correctly. I've only said it in the first innings ...

      On the other hand, let you know that I have tried to present the activities as visually attractive way in order to motivate children, while I've tried that all activities are required to work in different ways to develop two or more types of learning and applying multiple intelligences as completely as possible.

      Thanks for your words again.

      I wish you all the best.

      Carol Merino.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hello Carol!

    In my view you have done a terrific job. I guess you are a great English teacher.

    In the first place, I can observe that your blog is addressed to students in such a way that they can do these activities themselves in the same order. The links work correctly and the design is nice. Another aspect I really like is the one you have included “hotpotatoes” activities. In my opinion you could have commented the age or the level of the students. I consider that these exercises are adequate for 3rd or 4th year of primary school.

    In the second place, from the didactical approach you have created varied and motivating activities since you combine topics like family, clothes or positions. I specifically love the activity about the fashion lesson as they can improve skills such as writing, speaking, listening and reading. Also they have to be creative and disguise themselves. Another activity I like is the other one about family because pupils can study family vocabulary and enhance reading and spelling and the idea of drawing their own family photo is fantastic.

    Finally, I would like to include these activities in my English lessons. In fact I have seen several blogs which are really good and yours is one of my favourite.

    Best wishes Carol,
    Vanesa Pitarch Rosas

    1. Hi Vanessa!

      Thank you so much for your words. Demonstrate a high and accurate comprehensive observation on the blog.

      As you said, I've directed the blog to children so that they can work alone from home, show your parents you do in class or to perform such activities as games as cool and expand knowledge.

      My internship experience has made me dedicate the blog to students in grade 4, which is the class where I'm doing the practicum, but you're absolutely right in saying that I have not commented it correctly. I've only said it in the first innings ...

      On the other hand, let you know that I have tried to present the activities as visually attractive way in order to motivate children, while I've tried that all activities are required to work in different ways to develop two or more types of learning and applying multiple intelligences as completely as possible.

      Thanks for your words again.

      I wish you all the best.

      Carol Merino.
